Tissue distribution of fluoride and its effects on immunerelated enzymes activities of hepatopancreas in Cipangopaludina cahayensis
Graphical Abstract
Tissue distribution of fluoride and its effects on the activities of immune-related enzymes(ACP, AKP and CAT)were examined in hepatopancreas of Cipangopaludina cahayensis exposed to different concentrations of fluoride for 60 days. The results showed that the fluoride accumulation in different tissues after exposed to fluoride significantly increased compared with the control group and the trend which increased and then decreased with the level and duration of exposure was found. Stead state was achieved under the experimental conditions. The activities of ACP and AKP first decreased and then increased during the fluoride exposure. After 30 days of exposure,the activities of ACP and AKP in hepatopancreas exposed to the highest concentration of fluoride highly significantly elevated compared with the control group. After exposure for 60 days,the activities of ACP and AKP in all fluoride-exposed C. cahayensis were remarkably lower than those in the control mudsnail. The CAT activity increased first and then decreased and highly significantly decreased in mudsnail exposed to 80 mg/L and 160 mg/L of fluoride relative to the control during the whole exposure.