Analysis on panicle traits of a few erect panicle mutants in Indica rice
Graphical Abstract
With curved panicle type of rice Shu Hui 498(R498)and different panicle types of mutants R816, R772,R449 induced by EMS as materials,the differences of panicle traits in different panicle types were investigated by single factor randomized block design. Results showed that the wild-type R498 was curved panicle type,R816 and R772 were erect panicle types and R449 was semi-erect panicle type. The panicle length of erect panicle mutant shortened by about 17% compared with wild type,while there was no significant difference between semi-erect panicle type and curved panicle type. In terms of ability of panicle resistance to bending,it showed erect panicle > semi-erect panicle > curve panicle. The diameter of rachilla,diameter of the upmost stem and number of vascular bundles of erect panicle mutant were significantly higher than those of wild type. Panicle bending resistance of semi-erect panicle type was significantly greater than that of wild type. The panicle modality of erect panicle mutant was compact,and it had more number of vascular bundles and thicker diameter of panicle neck. Therefore erect panicle mutant had greater mechanical strength,which could help its panicle keep erect.