Principal component analysis on main traits of 12 Phalaenopsis
Graphical Abstract
Twelve varieties of Phalaenopsis applied in production were observed and counted from January 2013 to February 2015. A synthetic assessment system was established by means of variation analysis and principal component analysis. The results showed that the average coefficient of variation of 15 traits was 0.3428, the coefficient of variation of lateral branching number was the largest with 1.8747,and the coefficient of variation of leaf width was the smallest with 0.1175. The processing evaluation variables were relatively independent but closely related. The main traits of 12 varieties were analyzed by principal component analysis. The cumulative contribution rate of the first five principal components reached more than 85%,which contained the most information of 15 traits,total 8 varieties in the first,second and fourth category were worth further development and utilization according to the calculation of comprehensive score and the features of tissue culture and cultivation