Heavy metal enrichment characteristics of 25 kinds of ornamental plants
Graphical Abstract
The enrichment characteristics of 25 kinds of ornamental plants in 10 families were studied. Theresults showed that, they were able to grow normally in soil slightly polluted by Cd-Pb-Cu. Enrichment coefficientmainly associated with heavy metal concentration in soil, and did not associated with the biomass of each organ.Plant with higher biomass may accumulate more heavy metals. The enrichment coefficients for Cd of aboveground andunderground parts of Pteris cretica, Nephrolepis auriculata and Tagetes erecta, the enrichment coefficients for Pb ofaboveground and underground parts of P. frutescens, the enrichment coefficients for Cu of aboveground andunderground parts of Rhoeo spathaceo, were more than 1, indicating that they had strong enrichment ability of heavymetals. Plants with enrichment coefficient of aboveground part more than 1 and larger biomass could accumulatemore heavy metals, and had the potential advantage for pollution remediation