Study on the relationship between nitrogen use efficiencyand root characteristics during late growth periodin different genotypes of rice
Graphical Abstract
Pot experiments were conducted with eight varieties of rice,including Liangyoupeijiu,Yangdao No.6,Zhenshan 97B,Xiangwan,Maoya,Simiao,Ceys and IR4 as materials under four nitrogen treatments. The differencesof root traits at heading stage and physiology maturity stage were investigated,and the relationship between rootcharacteristics and grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency were studied. Results showed that total nitrogen uptake and drymatter accumulation were significantly different among eight rice varieties at heading stage and physiology maturity stage.The root characteristics were significantly different among the varieties. The varieties with high total N-absorbed amountat heading stage had higher adventitious root dry weight and total root absorption area. There was positive relationshipbetween the root characteristics and shoot dry matter weight,total N-absorbed amount and grain yield,respectively.These results implied that the varieties with high nitrogen uptake efficiency were due to high root dry weight and totalroot absorption area during the early growth phase. While,the root activity of varieties with high nitrogen use efficiencywere high during the middle-late growth phase,which accelerated the accumulation and translocation of nitrogen topanicles and grains and increased the total dry matter production and the grain yield,and then leaded to high nitrogengrain production efficiency.