Optimization of deproteinization for polysaccharidefrom cordyceps by response surface analysis
Graphical Abstract
In the study,cultured Cordyceps militaris L. was used as raw materials,taking polysaccharide losingrate and protein removal rate as indexes,papain was used to deprotein from cordyceps polysaccharide,and the optimalconditions were determined by single factor experiment and response surface analysis. The results showed that,theoptimal conditions were as follows:volume ratio of enzyme and polysaccharides solution was 1.72,temperature was64℃,pH was 6.23,for 3 h. Under these conditions,protein removal rate was 68.9%,and polysaccharide losing rate was10.13%. After Sevage method once time,protein removal rate and polysaccharide losing rate were 83.37% and 19.43%,respectively.