Effects of feeding level on growth performance of Monopterus albus larvae
Graphical Abstract
This study was carried out to investigate different feeding levels on the growth,body composition, coefficient of variation of body wet weight and body length of Monopterus albus larvae with 7-15 dph,16-24 dph and 35-33 dph,and to determine the optimal feeding level in the commercial larviculture operations. Five feeding levels of 20,40,60,80 and 100% IBW(initial body weight)/d for 7-15 dph larvae,20,35,50,65 and 80% IBW/d for 16-24 dph larvae,and 20,30,40,50 and 60% IBW/d for 25-33 dph larvae were adopted,respectively. The results showed that feeding level had significant effect on growth performance,feeding level increased,specific growth rate(SGR)increased,and reached the highest level at the 100% IBW/d group. For 16-24 dph larvae,SGR had the same trend as the larvae of 7-15 dph,and reached the highest level at the 80% IBW/d group. For 25-33 dph larvae,SGR reached the lowest level at the 20% IBW/d group,and there was no significant difference in other groups. Feeding level significantly effected weight gain rate(WGR)and SGR,and had positive correlation with WGR and SGR. Except for the lowest feeding level group,the rest feeding levels had negative correlation with feed conversion efficiency(FCE). The ratio of output and input feed of fish generally decreased for 7-15 dph larvae,the optimal level was 40%IBW/d. For 16-24 dph larvae,there was no great difference in all groups. For 25-33 dph larvae,ratio of output and input feed of fish decreased,the optimal feeding level was 30%IBW/d.