Feasibility analysis on tilapia freshness evaluation by volatile amine/trimethylamine oxide molar ratio
Graphical Abstract
In order to evaluate the freshness of fish and other aquatic products effectively and easily, this paperdeterminated freshness of tilapia through the volatile amine/trimethylamine oxide molar ratio, and verified thefeasibility of this ratio as evaluation index for tilapia fish freshness. Trimethylamine (TMA) or trimethylamine oxide(TMAO) only reflected the degree spoilage of tilapia, and it was difficult to reflect the real freshness at any timeduring the period of storage. Dimethylamine (DMA) and formaldehyde (FA) were the frozen stage corruption productsof tilapia, it was not proper for the quality evaluation of tilapia in each storage condition. Moreover, volatile basenitrogen (TVB-N) was not sensitive to evaluate the quality of frozen fish; The total number of colonies (TVC) wasdifficult to reflect the real freshness in the frozen storage condition. Sensory evaluation showed that, in the threestorage conditions, the freshness of tilapia was beyond edibility when the volatile amine/trimethylamine oxide molarratio was more than 1.05.