SNPs screening and bioinformatics analysis of MEF2A gene in Xingyi duck
Graphical Abstract
In order to understand the structure and function of duck MEF2A gene and to understand their genetic effect on duck, MEF2A gene was cloned by bioinformatics and PCR, and thepolymorphisms of exon of MEF2A gene in Xingyi duck were detected by direct sequencing of PCR products. The results showed that there wasno SNPs. Using bioinformatics method, the primary protein structure and secondary structures were analyzed, theresults showed that, the protein contained 33 -helics, 20 -sheets and 44 irregular coils. We got the duck MEF2A protein sequences and blasted MEF2A protein sequences to Mus musculus, Bos tarurs, zebra fish, Susscrofadomestica, Gallus domestiaus in NCBI, the results showed that duck had nearly genetic relationship with G. domestiaus and zebra fish, had far genetic relationship with M. musculus.