Development of compound antimicrobial agent and its application in greenhouse melon production
Graphical Abstract
In this study, an antagonistic strain FP2, which can effectively suppress the melon pathogenic bacteriaincluding Sphaerotheca fuliginea, Fusarium oxysporum, Pytophthora melonis Katsura and Pseudoperonospora cubensisRostov, was selected from the melon greenhouse soil. Based on phenotypic, physiological, biochemical andphylogenetic (16S rDNA) studies, strain FP2 was identified as Bacillus substilis. In order to enhance its antagonisticcapability, the mutation of the strain FP2 was carried out by using repeated He -Ne laser irradiation. After themutation, 6 mutants were screened, among which both mutant FP27 and FP29 showed the strongest antagonistcapability against melon pathogen. After the fermentation, the mutant FP27 and FP29 were mixed as 1 ratio to makecompound antimicrobial agent. Then, the compound antimicrobial agent were combined with the biofertilizer containing Biochemical fulvic acid (BFA) which were producted by our laboratory previously. For the first time, the compound biofertilizer containing BFA and compound antimicrobial agent, which was specialized in the greenhouse maskmelonbiocontrol, was developed and applied into the biological control of greenhouse melon. The field test results showedthat the compound biofertilizer containing BFA and compound antimicrobial community could effectively prevent themelon from disease, meanwhile, the melon grew well with high sugar content.