Regional ecological agriculture regionalization method and its application A case in resources-abundant regions of west Guangxi
Graphical Abstract
In order to provide references for construction and development of ecological agriculture, this paper studied the diversity characteristics of agro-ecosystem in resources-abundant regions of west Guangxi. Ecological principle and system science method were used to establish zoning index system and SPSS software was employed for cluster and discriminant analysis. The resources-abundant regions of west Guangxi were divided into five ecological agricultural zones by county as the basic unit. The zoning results indicated that output value of planting industry was relatively higher and planting area of special economic crop was large in central and southern hilly valley areas. The agricultural development foundation was solid and ecological agriculture began to take shape in these areas. In the northern, northwestern and eastern hilly areas, economic development was relatively backward, planting of crops occupied a predominant position, while special economic crop took a very small proportion.