Study on pollination biological characteristics of the rare and endangered plant:Cycas guizhouensis Lan et R.F.Zou
Graphical Abstract
In order to research the pollination and fertilization of Cycas guizhouensis Lan et R.F.Zou more fully, the biological characteristics were investigated. The results show that:(1)The plants of C. guizhouensis Lan et R.F.Zou are dioecious, and the blooming frequency of male plant is greater than that of female plant. The male plants are almost blooming annually, and most of the female plants are blooming overyear, also a small number of female plants are blooming 3-4 years interval, these affect sexual reproduction seriously. (2) The funnel-shaped structure of the stem and leave is benefit to the collection of pollen, and the structure of flower is closely associated with the pollination and fructification. (3) Artificial supplementary pollination may improve the fruiting rate and fruiting quantity, the method of fertilization is mainly in the complementary form of wind-pollinated and insect-borne. The insect plays an important role in the increase of pollination, and Apis cerana cerana is the direct communicator. A large abundant of animal groups play a promoting effects on the pollination fertilization. Furthermore, the co -existence mechanism with Tenebrionidae is needed further research.