Spatial distribution characteristics of rubber leaf nutrients in Dongfeng farm of Yunnan province
Graphical Abstract
The spatial distribution of rubber leaf nutrient content in Dongfeng farm was obtained using GIS technology to reclassify nutrient content gained from previous analysis and measurement. The results showed that the contents of calcium and potassium in rubber leaves were abundant, and the content of calcium was the highest in all tested nutrition elements. The contents of nitrogen and phosphorus, which had similar spatial distribution characteristics, were relatively deficient, while the content of magnesium was the least. As to the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, the areas those below deficiency accounted for 38.61%, 32.2%, 13.72% and 52.82%, respectively. No erea of significant deficient level of calcium content was observed , only few were in deficient level, accounting of 0.35%.