Influencing factors on the production processes outsourcing behavior of farmers——Based on date from survey of corn farmers in Ningcheng county of Inner Mongolia
Graphical Abstract
Based on the date from survey made in Ningcheng county of Inner Mongolia, this paper analyzes the influencing factors on farmers’production processes outsourcing behavior by using Logit model. The result shows that the farmer's own characteristics significantly influence the agricultural production outsourcing, including that the gender of who mainly engage in agriculture producing has a significantly positive effect on the outsourcing behavior of agricultural production and the farmers' health status and householder age have a significant negative impact on the outsourcing behavior; The characteristics of family and the production operation significantly influence the outsourcing behavior, including that the quality of the land can promote the outsourcing behavior and the number of agricultural labor, agricultural concurrently industry degree, degree of land fragmentation restrain outsourcing behavior; The land scale has a positive influence on the outsourcing behavior below 20 000 m2, and has a negative effect over 20 000 m2; The characteristics of agricultural production environment also significantly influence the outsourcing behavior, such as the farmers who join the agricultural cooperatives or pay more attention on agricultural news are more likely to outsource. According to the above-mentioned results, this paper proposes some suggestions on actively promoting to manage in scale in the agricultural production processes.