Study on pathogen identification and biological characteristics of stem rot of Paphiopedilum and its indoor chemical control
Graphical Abstract
The stem rot is the most serious disease in the commodity production of Paphiopedilum. In this article, the stem rot of Paphiopedilum in Guangdong province has been firstly studied comprehensively. The result showed that the pathogen of stem rot of Paphiopedilum was identified as Fusarium oxysporum by morphologic observation and molecular identification. The preliminary research on biological characteristics of the pathogen and its sensitivity to 15 kinds of fungicides was also carried on. Under the concentrations 500 mg/L, Carbendazim, Difenoconazole, Trifloxystrobin,Hymexazol, Pujunke, Fufuxin, Miaodan and Prochloraz could effectively control mycelial growth and spore -bearing of pathogen of stem rot. Among the 8 fungicides, Prochloraz was the best and its EC50 was 0.08 mg/L.