Regression analysis of yield and agronomic characters of vegetable soybean in Hainan
Graphical Abstract
10 agronomic characters from 10 vegetable soybean varieties of Hainan were investigated. The stepwise regression analysis was applied to study the relationship between agronomic traits and the yield, and the regression equation was as follows: Y =-1122.087 +52.177X2 +62.655X3 -73.796X4 +21.502X8. The results showed that four major agronomic characters related to yield were sequenced: X8=0.716 (growth period), X4=-0.446 (blighted pod number), X2= 0.368 (node numbers of main stem) and X3=0.337 (branch number). Therefore, we should prioritize the growth period, node numbers of main stem and branch number, in addition to control the number of blighted pod for introducing and breeding of vegetable soybean in Hainan.