杂ulfide ontent in sediment of Macrobrachium rosenbergii culture ponds and relationship between sulfide content and other parameters
Graphical Abstract
This article mainly investigated the contents of sulfide, TS, TOC, TN, TP in sediment of Macrobrachium rosenbergii culture ponds from June to October in 2012, further analyzed the relationship between sulfide content and other parameters, including total sulfur (TS), total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP). The results showed that during the culture period, the contents of sulfide and TS wav increased. The sulfide content in experiment ponds was 0.302~9.337 mg/kg, belonging to low level. The phenomenon was not out of gauge compared with first class standard of marine sediment quality. The river sediment sulfide was substantially below this standard. TS content in experiment ponds was 129.00~403.67 mg/kg, of which 0.2%~3.3% was sulfide. TS content in the river sediment was 475.00~2755.00 mg/kg, sulfide accounted for 0.7%~17.1%. TOC changed as the sulfide in the former breeding, and then showed a trend of decline. TN changed as a more stable wave. The trend of TP reduced, showing a lack of phosphorus. Correlation analysis showed that TS content had a positive linear correlation with sulfide content, correlation coefficient (r) was 0.695 ~0.920. Sulfide content and TOC content was significant positive correlation (except T3 pond), correlation coefficient (r) was 0.660~0.926. The relationship between TN content and sulfide content was not regular, the same as TP. Settlement of the organic matter was an important cause of sulfide, TOC, TN. Residue was the main component of the organic matter. So, the key to control sediment sulfides to maintain rich oxygen, reduce residual amount of bait and complete dredging.