Screening of quorum-sensing inhibitors from 17 kinds of Chinese herbal medicine
Graphical Abstract
The pathogenicity of pathogen microorganism is regulated partially by microbial quorum sensing (QS),while the screening of QS inhibitors (QSIs) is regard as an effective strategy to solve pathogen microorganism. In this study, 17 kinds of herbs were screened for QSIs, the results showed that Chromobacterium violaceum CV026 was suppressed by 8 of these herbs. The tubes gradient tests showed that 8 of the 17 samples had significant inhibitory effects of quorum sensing. Planktonic inhibition test results showed that Pseudomonas aeruginosa planktonic could be inhibited by 13 kinds of Chinese herbal medicine. Isolation and identification of specific substances from these Chinese herbal medicine would provide a basis for revealing their anti-QS mechanism.