Primary report of Seoul Hantavirus detected in bats from Guangdong province
Graphical Abstract
Hantavirus is a kind of animal disease pathogen. Partial M gene sequences of Hantavirus were amplified by RT-PCR to detect bats in Guangdong province and about 170 bp cDNA fragments of Hantavirus in samples from healthy bats of Guangdong were obtained for the first time. By sequencing nucleotides, these sequences belonged to Hantaviruses and had more than 99% homology with M gene fragment. Oral swab and anal swab samples from 74 bats of 5 species were tested and the positive rate was 12.16%. Results showed that bats carried and spreaded Hantaviruses and were host animals of Hantaviruses. In view of the relationship between bats and humans becoming more and more close, it is important to prevent bats from transmitting viruses to domestic animals and humans in animal husbandry and planting industry.