Discussion on technique for purification of Myoporum bontioides A. Gray flavonoid by AB-8 macroporous resin
Graphical Abstract
Myroporum bontioides A. Gray is abundant in flavonoids. In order to fully develop the resources of flavonoids in M. bontioides A. Gray, the purification process of M. bontioides A. Gray flavonoids was researched. Macroporous resin was chosen with adsorption and desorption experiments to optimize the purification parameters. AB-8 macroporous resin was found to have good adsorption and desorption effects. The optimal technological parameters of the process were 8 mg/mL of extractions at pH 4.86 eluted by 20%, 40%, 60% ethanol with a volume of 2, 2, 4 BV, respectively, and the loaded amount was 35 mg/g. The purity of total flavonoids increased up to 43.15% after the purification, and the recovery rate maintained 79.00%.