Analysis on combining ability of starch pasting and dough rheological characters in wheat
Graphical Abstract
The objective of this study was to analyze the combining abilities and gene effects of starch pasting and dough rheological characters in wheat by using a diallel cross design (without reciprocals) with five winter wheat cultivars. The variance analysis of combining ability showed that the general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) variances were significant for all characters except SCA variance for mixing time and 8爷curve width. Furthermore, the GCA variance were much larger than SCA variance for all characters except for final viscosity. Synthesizing the analysis of combining ability and estimation of genetic parameters indicated that the inheritance of mixing time and 8爷curve width was controlled mainly by additive gene effect, while other characters were influenced by both additive and non-additive effects with the additive effect being predominant. Gaocheng 8901 was the most prominent combiner and its total GCA effect ranked first for examined characters. For the characters which showed higher additive gene effects, the performance of parents was consistent with their GCA effects. The F1 performance was positively correlated with SCA effects, but it was also influenced by GCA of the parents. To obtain desirable combinations, the emphasis should be put on the evaluation of SCA effects on the basis of GCA of the parents. Some related issues of quality improvement in wheat were discussed.