Control effect of Iturin A2 produced by Bacillus megaterium B196 on rice sheath blight
Graphical Abstract
The Iturin A2 produced by Bacillus megaterium strain B196 could inhibit the growth of Rhizoctonia solani. The median effect concentration (EC50) of Iturin A2 on R. solani was 39.5621 滋g/mL. The control efficacy of Iturin A2 at the concentration of 160 滋g/mL on the rice sheath blight caused by R. solani was 100%, 85.31% and 84.42% in vitro, in pot and in field, respectively. This efficacy was higher than that of 5% jinggangmycin at the concentration of 200 滋g/mL.