Species diversity comparation of Pueraria wallichii DC. in five kinds of configuration mode
Graphical Abstract
Based on the data of five kinds of configuration mode with Pueraria wallichii DC, the species diversity was analyzed. The results showed that: (1) The global richness, Simpson index, Shannon-wiener index and Pielou index of the P. wallichii DC-Cupressus lusitanica forest was the highest in these five kinds of configuration mode, while the P. wallichii DC pure forest (lu-2) was the lowest; (2) P. wallichii DC-Aleuvites fordii Hemsl forest and P. wallichii DC pure forest (lu-2) were planted in the same environmental condition, but the richness, Simpson index and Shannon-wiener index of P. wallichii DC-A. fordii Hemsl forest were higher than P. wallichii DC pure forest (lu-2), and this result indicated that the forest of P. wallichii DC planted with A. fordii Hemsl was superior to the P. wallichii DC pure forest in the same environmental condition; (3) The variation of species diversity index for different strata were herb layer > tree + shrub layer. This result indicated that herb layer was developed and it had great contribution to the species diversity of P. wallichii DC. in five kinds of configuration mode.