Karyotype analysis of Phasolosma esculenta
Graphical Abstract
The samples of Phasolosma esculenta were raised for 24 h in 0.04% colchicines solution. Its celomic cells were extracted and treated with lower osmotic pressure, fixed, dropped, air -drying and stained. Photographs of well -spread metaphases were examined and taken with a photomicroscope. The chromosome types were categorized according to Levan. It was found that the basic number of chromosome of P. esculenta was x=10, 2n=2x=20 and the karyotype formula was 2n=2x=4m+10sm+6st, NF=40. The chromosome pair numbers 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 were submetacentric, the chromosome pairs numbers 3, 10 were metacentric, other chromosome pairs were subtelocentric. The total length of genome was 40.136 滋m. In all chromosomes, the longest was 5.129 滋m, the shortest was 3.092 滋m and the average length was 4.014 滋m. Arm ratio was in range of 1.483-3.566.