Study on carbon reserves of 32-year-old Cinnamomum burmannii plantation in the suburb of Laibin city
Graphical Abstract
The understanding of carbon storage and sequestration potential in various city forest types was an important work in the construction of low carbon forest city. Based on the investigation of biomass, carbon storage and distribution pattern of 32-year -old Cinnamomum burmanni plantation ecosystem was studied in the suburb of Laibin city, Guangxi province. The results showed that the average carbon content in different organs of C. burmannii plantation tree layer was 508.70 g/kg, ranged from 493.5 g/kg to 511.5 g/kg, with the order of middle root > root tip > leaf > trunk > coarse root > fine root > bark > coarse branch > dead branch > branchlets. The total carbon storage in C. burmanni plantation ecosystem was 370.97 t/hm2, of which the tree layer was 233.05 t/hm2, which indicated that the major carbon pool located on the tree layer, being related with the luxuriant foliage of the stand development characteristics.