Analysis on high yielding planting density and yield potential of Zhongdan 909 in Ningxia irrigation district
Graphical Abstract
The research takes maize varieties Zhongdan 909 as the research object, adopts randomized block design, repeats four times,uses 9 kinds of planting density (4 000、5 000、6 000、7 000、8 000、9 000、10 000、11 000、12 000 corns per 667m2), and analyses the main agronomic characters, yield potential and suitable planting density for high yielding under the condition of the experimental farm of Ningxia University in 2012. The results of the experiment show that the growth period of M4~M12 is 134~136 days, the yield is 1 128.04 ~1 250.91 kg per 666.7 m2, among which the yield of 6 000 corns per 667 m2 is the highest, the yield of 4 000 corns per 667 m2and 9 000 corns per 667 m2 are the lowest, being 1 128.04 and 1 129.81 kg. The planting destiny of the variety which has the most yield potential is 6 000 corns per 667 m2.