Spatial variability and regionalized management of soil phosphorus nutrients in the rubber plantation in Danzhou city
Graphical Abstract
Spatial variability and regionalized management technology of soil phosphorus in rubber plantation with an area of about720 km2 was studied by traditional statistics and geo-statistics. The results showed the contents of total phosphorus (TP) and availablephosphorus (AP) of all soil layers in the rubber plantations in Danzhou city respectively belonged to moderate and strong variation. The rubber plantation soil in Danzhou city was widely deficient in the content of soil P, the content of TP above 78.56% rubber plantation appeared in extremely low level, but the content of AP in layers of 0~20 cm and 20~40 cm above 55.08% rubber plantation appeared in moderated level and in small rubber plantation appeared in good or extremely low level. The maximum correlative distance of Total P,Available P in content in different soil layers were between10.34 km and 69.24 km.The distribution of total P content developed in large block structure, but the content of available P in soil layers of 0~20 cm and 20~40 cm appeared of cross-distribution between largeblocked structure and small blocked structure. By overlaying method of the space, the whole researching region could be regionalized into 11 management units of phosphorus nutrient. In every unit, different governing technology must be taken because of different status of Pnutrient.