Analysis on farmer’s willingness to the policy of cultivated land protection benefit compensation in non-major grain production area——Based on 155 households survey data of farmers’cognition in Chongqing
Graphical Abstract
As non-major grain production areas are the payment body of cultivated land protection benefit compensation mechanism (CLPBCM), it is important to analyze farmers’willingness of CLPBC in these areas. Based on the data from farmers of four counties in Chongqing province, this paper analyzed the cognition of farmers to cultivated land protection,and then analyzed willingness of farmers to CLPBC from the aspect of compensation standard, compensation body, compensation way, compensation period and its supervision. The results showed that the farmers’cognition of subject of cultivated land protection was different and exterior was low. The willingness to compensate of farmer was 1 116.9 Yuan per year, was far higher than the present compensation standard. The trend of compensation way and period of farmer was respectively presented even distribution and extreme distribution. They would like to fully participate in CLPBCM. Finally this paper put forward some suggestions from the aspects of promoting cognition, regularizing use of compensation funds, carrying out diversified compensation standard, compensation way etc.