Removal of typical antibiotics in simulation systems with different substrates
Graphical Abstract
The research aimed at selecting the substrates combination that could remove antibiotics furthest. Removal of typical antibiotics were studied under the condition of successive influent in four simulation systems with different substrates. Experimental results showed that a part of enrofloxacin, sulfamethazine, oxytetracycline and penicillin were removed through four columns, and the removal rate of column B was highest. For enrofloxacin and oxytetracycline, the removal rate on the fifth day was higher than those on the tenth day and thirtieth day. Nevertheless, for oxytetracycline and penicillin, the removal rate on the thirtyth day was higher. Enrofloxacin was readily absorbed by substrates and not susceptible to microbial degradation, and its removal happened in surface substrate mostly.Absorption between sulfamethazine and substracte was little, and became less when pH value was higher. Sulfamethazine was readily to move downward in substrate and could be biodegraded. The removal rate of oxytetracycline in middle and bottom layer took very heavy proportion in the total removal rate, and biodegration happened barely. Penicillin was removed mainly in surface substrate of column B and middle substrate of column D, and was easily to be biodegraded. The removal effect of column B was best, and that of column D was second best, but that of column A and C were not satisfactory.