Current status and prospect of Guangdong citrus processing industry
Graphical Abstract
The development of citrus processing industry at home and abroad was summarized, current status of citrus pulp processing and comprehensive utilization of by -products were both introduced. Present situation of citrus processing industry of Guangdong province was analyzed, which was mainly composed of Pericarpium Citri Reticultae industry, Exocarpium Citri Grandis industry and pummel processing industry. Research status of citrus processing industry of Guangdong province was introduced, which mainly focused on the determination of active components and fingerprint technique of Pericarpium Citri Reticultae and Exocarpium Citri Grandis, and research and development of novel citrus processing products. Existing problems including lag off of the fundamental research for processing, low proportion of processing products and lack of high-tech products were pointed out and possible strategies for better development of Guangdong citrus processing industry were provided.