Development Situation and Countermeasures of Rice-fish Co-culture System in Guangdong Province
Graphical Abstract
Rice-fish co-culture system is a modern agroecology practice that can improve the farmland ecological environment and increase the efficiency of energy flow and nutrient cycling. In recent years, researchers have made great progress in the theoretical researches and technical promotion of rice-fish co-culture system in China. Rice-fish co- culture system shows obvious advantages over the conventional practice in reducing fertilizers and pesticides, increasing rice production and efficiency, and improving soil and water physicochemical properties. Furthermore, rice-fish co-culture system can guarantee food security, increase farmers' income and reduce non-point source pollution, with good economic, ecological and social benefits. Currently, the area of rice-fish co-culture systems is still small in Guangdong Province. In this paper, we summarize and analyze the situation and the advantage of nature resources of the rice-fish co-culture system in Guangdong Province, and pointe out some problems such as small application area, low production, backward technology development and promotion, poor water and fertilizer management, few rice and fish varieties for the rice-fish co-culture system, and lack of mechanization and intelligentization technology. It is believed that rice-fish co-culture system would have an extensive market prospect in Guangdong Province. Therefore, it is proposed to strengthen policy support and provide guidance for industrial development, to enhance support for key technologies, to improve technical specifications and boost the integration of three industries, and to promote rural revitalization, so as to provide technical guidance for the development of the rice-fish co-culture system in Guangdong Province.