Objective The "Three Controls" technology(TC)is a high-yield and high fertilizer efficiency technology system, which is high and stable yielding, cost-saving and income-increasing, safe and environmental friendly and easy-to-use. It has been widely applied in rice regions of Southern China in recent 10 years. In order to provide futher application of TC, the application effect and demon stration and extension methods of this technology in southern rice region were summarized and analyzed.
Method This papersummarized the data from 47 published papers about the trial and demonstration of TC in Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Fujian provinces since 2008, analyzed the application results of TC comprehensively and summarized the promotion experience and enlightenment of TC.
Result Compared with farmer's practice(FP), TC averagely reduced nitrogen input by 29.5 kg/hm2 or 16.0%. Total fertilizer input (including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) was reduced by 11.6%. Grain yield of rice was increased by 626.3 kg/hm2 on average, with an increase of 8.8%. Nitrogen partial factor productivity increased by 27.3%. Compared with FP, TC reduced the number of unproductive tillers by 37.7% averagely(89.0×104 hm2), while the productive tiller percentage was increased by 9.7%. The occurrence of sheath blight, rice planthopper and Cnaphalocrocis medinalis under TC was reduced by 50.7%, 28.6% and 46.6%, respectively. Moreover, lodging was considerably reduced by TC. By use of TC, farmers could averagely achieve an increased income of 1 902.0 yuan per hectare. The promotion experience and enlightenment of TC were summarized from the aspects of establishing a national technology promotion and collaboration network, integrating resources to give full play of policy guidance and incentives, establishing stable demonstration bases, and making use of modern methods etc.
Condusion The "Three Controls" technology can stably reduce fertilizerrate, increase rice yield and income. It's popularization experience and methods can be used for reference. Finally, the "Three Controls" technology has broad application prospects.