Study on Air-curing Modes of Burley Tobacco Adapted to Alpine Tobacco Areas
Graphical Abstract
【Objective】The study was conducted to improve the phenomena of barn rot and mildew during aircuring process in alpine tobacco area and raise the air-curing quality of burley tobacco.【Method】A control experiment was conducted among four air-curing modes: simple arched air-curing shed, simple arched heating air-curing shed,“89”heating drying room and“89”standard drying room(CK).【Result】The effects of simple arched air-curing shed and simple arched heating air-curing shed on the average temperature and relative humidity control during air-curing process were better than those of“89”heating drying room and“89”standard drying room. The simple arched heating air-curing shed mode had the highest economic enefits, with yield improved by 12.35%, output value increased 8433.90 yuan/hm2, rate of high and middle quality tobacco raised by 7.82% and proportion of tobacco mildew reduced to 4.09%. The simple arched air-curing shed mode had lower economic benefits than those of simple arched heating air-curing shed mode, the tobacco mildew rate could be controlled at 4.17% by such mode.【Conclusion】Considering the economic benefits and cost inputs of the four aircuring modes, simple arched air-curing shed and simple arched heating air-curing shed were more suitable for the air-curing requirements and sustainable development of burley tobacco in alpine tobacco areas.