Current Status and Future Development of Flue-cured Tobacco Production in Guangdong Province
Graphical Abstract
Tobacco is one of the important economic crops in Guangdong Province. In recent years, influenced by the high inventory of tobacco leaves in China and the general trend of global tobacco control, the purchase plan of tobacco leaf has been lowered year by year, the scale of tobacco planting has continued to decline, and the tobacco industry is facing new challenges. At the same time, the rapid economic growth and the improvement of agricultural production in Guangdong have presented new requirements for tobacco production. Surveys were carried out on the tobacco growing areas and planting soil types, main tobacco varieties and planting techniques, planting patterns and policy insurance, yield, average price, outputvalue and tobacco related research by reviewing literature, interviewing individual farmers, farmer cooperatives and tobacco companies. The problems in tobacco leaf production were analyzed and countermeasures were proposed to achieve high quality and sustainable development of tobacco leaf production in Guangdong. The main problems in the tobacco leaf production in Guangdong Province include: lack of disease-resistant varieties, tobacco planting soil degradation, labor shortage and natural factors restriction. To solve the problems mentioned above, the following suggestions are proposed: strengthening the tobacco leaf production and purchase system, introducing new tobacco varieties and enhancing cultivation techniques and develop other usage of tobacco.