Stoichiometric characteristics of essential macronutrient in leaves of subalpine shrub common plants in Leigong Mountain
Graphical Abstract
To investigate the nutrient status and environmental adaptability of subalpine shrub plants in nature reserve, six kinds of elements (N, S, P, K, Ca, Mg) in the leaves of subalpine shrub common plants in Leigong Mountain were measured respectively. The results showed that the arithmetic mean values of N, S, P, K, Ca and Mg contents in the leaves of the subalpine shrub common plants in Leigong Mountain were 25.24, 7.58, 1.78, 11.11, 11.44 and 2.22 mg/g, respectively. The coefficients of variation were 20.64%, 8.30%, 30.49%, 15.69%, 46.98%, and 43.82%, respectively. K/Mg, N/Mg, S/Mg, Ca/K, N/Ca, Ca/S, Ca/P and Mg/P in the leaf had a great influence on each other and had a great influence on the stoichiometry of other elements; N/P, S/P, N/K, S/Mg, K/P, K/Mg, Ca/Mg, N/ S, K/S had relatively strong internal stability in plants. According to the element contents of N and P in plant leaves, Ligustrum quihoui Carr. Mahonia fortunei (Lindl.) Fedde and Ilex bioritsensis Hayata were almost defined as N limited plants, Cephalotaxus sinensis (Rehder et E. H. Wilson) H. L. Li and Fargesia spathacea Franch. were almost defined as P limited plants, the growth of Berberis diaphana Maxin. and Stranvaesia davidiana Dcne. were limited by both N and P. Plants in the study area were characterized by insufficient supply of P nutrition and relative excess of S nutrition. Ca and Mg were the key elements that plants adjust the elemental stoichiometry to adapt to the environment.