Growth and development characteristic analysis of ten grape varieties under facility cultivation in Guangdong
Graphical Abstract
To select high quality table grape variety suitable for cultivation in Guangdong and surrounding area with similar climatic condition,phenological period,fruit characteristics and quality,growth and fruiting habits of ten introduced table grape varieties were observed and comparably analyzed in 2016 in this research. Results showed that all the ten table grape varieties started sprouting period in mid-late February,and intensively matured from June to July under greenhouse. Strongest growth vigor was found with cultivar‘ Summer Black’,‘Shine Muscat’, ‘Orientalstar’,‘Wenke’,‘Kyoho’,‘8611’,and‘ Benni Fuji’,the other three variety‘ Benibarad’, ‘Zeyu’,and‘ Muscat Hamburg’ with a relatively medium level of growth vigor. Yield of variety‘ 8611’ was the highest,followed by‘ Orientalstar’,‘Shine Muscat’,‘Wenke’,‘Benibarad’ and‘ Kyoho’ ,whose yield reached about 5 644 .48 kg/hm2. Total soluble solids of the ten varieties were 12.18%~18.47%,with the highest TSS value and better taste of‘ Summer Black’,‘Benibarad’,‘Shine Muscat’ and‘ Zeyu’. In conclusion, ‘Summer Black’,‘Shine Muscat’ and‘ Kyoho’ overally performed better,and were suitable for cultivated under facility cultivation in Guangdong. Good and special fruit quality was found with variety‘ Benibarad’,‘Wenke’ and ‘Orientalstar’,which could be properly promoted to regulate grape maturation period. Regarding to‘ 8611’, ‘Benni Fuji’,‘Zeyu’ and‘ Muscat Hamburg’,they were not suitable for widespread cultivation in Guangdong area because of poor fruit quality.