Dynamics of litter production in a middle-aged Taiwania cryptomerioides plantation over an 8-year period
Graphical Abstract
Litter traps were set up in a 15-year-old Taiwania cryptomerioides plantation to collect litterfall at monthly intervals over an 8-year period in Shunchang,Fujian,China. Annual litter production of the T. cryptomerioides plantation varied from 3.529 t/hm2 to 5.526 t/hm2 at age 16 to 23 years and the mean value was 4.166 ±0.222( SE) t/hm2. Annual litterfall production( y) increased with plantation age( x) and it could be described by a quadratic equation: y = -0.0129x2 + 0.7004x - 4.5002( R2 = 0.5892,P = 0.108). Litter of leaves plus twigs (diameter ≤ 0.6 cm) of T. cryptomerioides,branched( diameter >0.6 cm) of T. cryptomerioides,understory leaves, miscellaneous materials( insect faeces,reproductive organs of understory and unidentified plant parts),understory branches of woody plants,stem bark and reproductive organs contributed to 94.642%,2.756%,1.517%,0.747%, 0.211%,0.124% and 0.004% of the total annual litterfall,respectively. Reproductive litter of T. cryptomerioides was only found in February at age 17 years with biomass only 0.001 t/hm2. The peaks of litter occurred in May to August with the major peak in June. The highest litterfall occurred in summer and the lowest in winter.