Evaluation and benefit analysis of three physical attractant for tapping fruit flies in Citrus reticulate Blanco cv. Shatangju orchards
Graphical Abstract
Citrus fruit flies are a major kind of quarantine pest that spreads with a potential outbreak in citrus producing areas in Zhaoqing. A variety of fruit flies can be monitored and controlled by physical methods. However, there is a lack of effect evaluation of trapping fruit flies during production. In this study,the effects of different physical traps were tested for bactrocera minax and bactrocera dorsalis in the Citrus reticulate Blanco cv. Shatangju orchards in Zhaoqing. The results showed that in a non-fruiting orchard and fruiting orchard respectively,the numbers of bactrocera dorsalis trapped by sex pheromones were 110 and 32,25.7 and six by food attractants,and 24 and five by yellow sticky boards. While the number of bactrocera dorsalis trapped by sex pheromones was significantly higher than that by food attractants and yellow sticky boards,the number of species and quantity of insects trapped by food attractants and yellow sticky boards were,however,higher than that by sex pheromones,and bactrocera minax were also trapped. From October to December,there were two peaks of trapped numbers of bactrocera dorsalis,while the number of bactrocera minax remained stable. In terms of cost per 667 m2,the costs for the first trapping cycle were 55,40 and 40 Yuan per 667 m2 by sex pheromones,food attractants and yellow sticky board respectively,and 15, 40 and 40 Yuan per 667 m2 after the second trapping cycle. None of the three methods involved contact between lethal chemicals and fruit. In light of the yearly outbreak due to the life cycles of these two fruit flies,a variety of trapping methods with comprehensive prevention and control measures should be applied starting from the management of non-fruiting orchards,so as to promote pesticide reduction and green plant protection.