Screening of garden plants for purifying eutrophic landscape water
Graphical Abstract
Taking 8 species of aquatic plants including Hymenocallis littoralis,Scirpus triqueter,Pontederia cordata,Iris tectorum,Hydrocotyle vulgaris,Hygrophila salicifolia,Vallisneria natans and Hydrilla verticillata as the test objects,this essay studied the growth status of these aquatic plants and their effects for the removal of nutrients like TN,TP and COD in eutrophication garden water by laboratory simulation. The results showed that H. littoralis,I. tectorum,H. salicifolia and V. natans had good biological growth,while S. triqueter,P. cordata and H. verticillata decreased and all ydrocotyle vulgaris even died at the end. Eight kinds of aquatic plants had good nutrient removal effect to some extent,of which H. salicifolia’s removal effect of TN,TP,COD,NH4 +-N and chroma in the garden water was the best with the removal rates reaching 50.3%,25.4%,38.5%,23.5% and 27.9%, respectively. The removal rates of I. tectorum,H. littoralisof and V. natans for TN was 44%,39.1%,and Taking 8 species of aquatic plants including Hymenocallis littoralis,Scirpus triqueter,Pontederia cordata,Iris tectorum,Hydrocotyle vulgaris,Hygrophila salicifolia,Vallisneria natans and Hydrilla verticillata as the test objects,this essay studied the growth status of these aquatic plants and their effects for the removal of nutrients like TN,TP and COD in eutrophication garden water by laboratory simulation. The results showed that H. littoralis,I. tectorum,H. salicifolia and V. natans had good biological growth,while S. triqueter,P. cordata and H. verticillata decreased and all ydrocotyle vulgaris even died at the end. Eight kinds of aquatic plants had good nutrient removal effect to some extent,of which H. salicifolia’s removal effect of TN,TP,COD,NH4 +-N and chroma in the garden water was the best with the removal rates reaching 50.3%,25.4%,38.5%,23.5% and 27.9%, respectively. The removal rates of I. tectorum,H. littoralisof and V. natans for TN was 44%,39.1%,and