Tissue culture and rapid propagation of Yuetang 03-373,a new sugarcane variety
Graphical Abstract
Experiments were carried out using stem of a new sugarcane variety Yuetang 03-373 as materials,the best synthetic way of tissure culture was obtained by different exogenous hormones ratio for inducing dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of callus,inducing germination of shoot-tip and axillary bud,clustered buds cultivation,multiplication during subculture and rooting. The results showed that for Yuetang 03-373,MS + 2, 4-D mg/L was the optimal medium for callus induction,MS+BA0.5 mg/L + IBA0.01 mg/L was the optimal medium for buds differentiation from callus induction,MS+ BA1.0 mg/L + IBA 0.04 mg/L was the optimal medium for germination of shoot-tip and axillary bud,MS + BA1.0 mg/L +IBA0.04 mg/L was the optimal proliferation medium, and the best medium for rooting was 1/2MS + ABT0.20 g/L + IBA0.05 mg/L + Ac0.5 g/L . Etiolation rates of plants were in order from low to high among coconut juice,casein hydrolysate,yeast extract and control in the subculture medium . The survival percentage of transplant was up to 99% with the simpal sand medium,transplanting survival rate was up to 98% in the soil.