Influence of land fragmentation on production technical efficiency of farmer households of different scale—Based on the data of 283 farmer households from Xinmin,Liaoning province
Graphical Abstract
Based on the survey data of Xinmin,Liaoning,this paper measured the technical efficiency of corn production of three scale ranges,made empirical analysis on the exogenous factors influencing the technical efficiency of corn production in different scale ranges and focused on the influences of land fragmentation on the technical efficiency of corn production in different scale ranges by structuring SFA. The results showed that: the average technical efficiency of corn production in different scale ranges in Xinmin,Liaoning was more than 85.00%, and it firstly increased and then decreased as the scale enlarging. The influences of land fragmentation on technical efficiency of different scale differed greatly. Land fragmentation had no obvious influence on the small-scale households of being less than 1.00 hm2 and had positive influences on the medium-scale households ranging from 1.00 to 2.00 hm2 and the large-scale households of being more than 2.00 hm2. Commonly,farmer’s age affected negatively on the technical efficiency of corn production of small-scale range,educational level affected positively on the technical efficiency of corn production of large-scale range,and agricultural training status affected the three ranges positively.