Comprehensive evaluation of landscape value of ornamental cerasus in Nanjing by AHP
Graphical Abstract
Germplasm resources were selected and evaluated by experimental measurement,questionnaire survey and the method of AHP(analytic hierarchy process) with 18 evaluating indicators from 4 aspects( ecological value,ornamental value,social and cultural values and economic value),to provide scientific theoretical basis for ornamental Cerasus application and conservation in urban green space of Nanjing,with deterioration of the modern city environment. The weight orders of criterion level were ecological value>ornamental value >economic value>social and cultural values. The sort orders on factor weights for the index level were carbon sequestration>oxygen release>r eproduction>cooling>amount of flowers> corolla>adaptability>cultural connotation>humidification>florescence>WU E>scientific value>fragrance> medicinal health value>seasonal change=morphology>application types>educational value. The results of comprehensive landscape value evaluation system showed that there were four high values(≥ 3.9)of resources with 18%;there were 11 relatively high resources with 50%;there were seven general valued (≤ 3.1)of resources with values(3.1-3.9)of 32%. Among all the resources,C. serrulata var. lannesiana‘Alborosea’, C. yedoensis( Matsum.) Yu et Li,C.×kanzakura cv. Tairyo-zakura,C. subhirtella‘Pendula’,C. serrulata var. lannesiana‘Sekiyama’,C. glandulosa,C. serrulata var. lannesiana‘Hongye’and C. subhirtella‘ Plena Rosea’had higher comprehensive value,could be widely applied in the modern environment of garden green space in Nanjing.