
    Effects of Different Fertilizer Application Rates and Rhizobia Interaction on Growth and Efficiency of Peanut

    • 摘要:
      目的 明确减施化肥条件下接种根瘤菌剂对花生产量及经济效益的影响,促进花生产业绿色、高效生产。
      方法 以高产花生品种‘泰0605-2’为试验材料,采用田间小区试验,设置7个处理:常规施肥(N100%)+ 根瘤菌菌剂拌种、减氮20%(N80%)+ 根瘤菌菌剂拌种、减氮40%(N60%)+ 根瘤菌菌剂拌种、减氮60%(N40%)+ 根瘤菌菌剂拌种、减氮80%(N20%)+ 根瘤菌菌剂拌种、减氮100%+ 根瘤菌菌剂拌种、减氮100%+ 不用根瘤菌拌种。以常规施肥为对照(CK),探究不同减氮施肥方式下拌种根瘤菌剂处理对花生根瘤数量、农艺性状、产量和经济效益的影响。
      结果 在苗期和花针期阶段,常规施肥(N100%)的花生根瘤数量最少、分别为7.2和13.8个,随着施氮量的减少花生根瘤数量逐渐增加;在结荚期,减氮40%(N60%)处理下根瘤数量、株高、侧枝长、分枝数、有效枝数、鲜物质量积累量比对照增加、分别增加2.3、1.2、0.8、0.8个和6.07 g。经济效益分析发现,在本试验条件下,减氮40%(氮肥用量67.5 kg/hm2)+ 根瘤菌菌剂拌种处理下花生产量最高、为5 216.08 kg/hm2,比对照增产5.30%;净增收效益最显著、产值为36 512.55元,较对照增加收益2 526.45元/hm2
      结论 减氮40%+ 根瘤菌菌剂拌种处理能够提高花生株高、侧枝长、分枝和有效枝数等农艺性状,达到稳产增收的效果。


      Objective The study aims to clarify the impacts of inoculation of rhizobia agent on peanut yield and economic benefits under the conditions of reduced application of chemical fertilizer, and promote the green and high-yielding production of peanut industry.
      Method The high-yielding peanut variety 'Taihua 0605-2' was selected as the experimental material, and the field plot experiment was conducted by setting 7 treatments, conventional fertilization (N100%) + rhizobia agent seed dressing, 20% nitrogen reduction (N80%) + rhizobia agent seed dressing; 40% nitrogen reduction (N60%) + rhizobia agent seed dressing; 60% nitrogen reduction (N40%) + rhizobia agent seed dressing; 80% nitrogen reduction (N20%) + rhizobia agent seed dressing; 100% nitrogen reduction + rhizobia agent seed dressing; 100% nitrogen reduction + no rhizobia agent seed dressing. Conventional fertilization was selected as the control (CK) to explore the effects of rhizobia agent (seed coating) treatments on the number of peanut nodules, agronomic traits, yield and economic benefits under different nitrogen reduction fertilization methods.
      Result The number of nodules in peanut under conventional fertilization (N100%) was the lowest (7.2 and 13.8) at seedling stage and flower-pegging stage, and gradually increased with the decrease of nitrogen application rate; in the pod-bearing stage, the number of nodules, plant height, lateral branch length, branch number, effective branch number, fresh matter mass accumulation increased under 40% nitrogen reduction (N60%) treatment compared with the control treatment, which increased by 2.3, 1.2, 0.8, 0.8 and 6.07 g, respectively. The analysis of economic benefits revealed that, under the conditions of this experiment, the highest yield of the treatment with 40% nitrogen reduction (nitrogen fertilizer application amount 67.5 kg/hm2) + rhizobia agent was 5 216.08 kg/hm2, which was 5.30% higher than that of the control; and the net income increase was the most significant, with an output value of 36 512.55 yuan, which increased the yield by 2 526.45 yuan/ hm2 compared with the control.
      Conclusion The 40% nitrogen reduction + rhizobia agent seed dressing treatment could improve the agronomic traits of peanut such as plant height, lateral branch length, branch number and effective branch number, achieving the effects of stabilizing yield and increasing income.


