
    Analysis on Utilization Potential of Germplasm Resources of 23 Multi-Color-Flower Rapes in Tibet

    • 摘要:
      目的 充分挖掘彩色花油菜种质资源在西藏的利用潜力,选育适合高原农区赏花和收籽兼用的彩色花油菜品种。
      方法 选取23份彩色花油菜为研究对象,综合分析其生育期、农艺性状、产量性状及花瓣花青素含量。
      结果 供试彩色花油菜的生育期介于114~131 d、花期17~37 d,5份彩色花油菜材料的花期长于对照(‘山油2号’)且生育期短;株高范围在87.20~150.28 cm,均低于对照;产量为763.80~2 803.95 kg/hm2,其中4份材料产量高于对照;千粒质量在3.69~5.73 g,有4份材料千粒质量大于5.00 g;产量与株高和千粒质量呈极显著相关,与每角果粒数呈显著相关。通过聚类分析,23份材料被分为3类:第Ⅰ类群千粒质量高且花色多样,第Ⅱ类群各性状表现均衡,第Ⅲ类群为多角果且长角果型的高产彩色花油菜;紫色、红色和橙色花油菜花瓣中花青素含量较高。
      结论 23份供试彩色花油菜在高原地区均能正常生长成熟,且表现出植株矮化的特点。为提高彩色花油菜的产量,应注重选择株高、主花序长度、主花序有效角果数、角果长度、每角果粒数、千粒质量等关键性状。花青素含量高的紫色、红色和橙色花油菜更适合作为鲜食材料或用于食品和保健品加工。


      Objective In order to fully exploit the utilization potential of rape germplasm resources in Tibet, a variety suitable for both ornamental and seed collection in plateau agricultural areas was selected.
      Method A total of 23 multi-color-flower rape materials were selected to analyze their growth periods, agronomic traits, yield traits and anthocyanin content in petals.
      Result The growth period of the tested rape was 114-131 days and flowering period was 17-37 days. The flowering period of 5 rape materials was longer than that of the control (Shanyou No. 2) and the growth period was shorter. The plant height ranged from 87.20 cm to 150.28 cm, which was lower than that of the control. The yield ranged from 763.80 kg/hm2 to 2 803.95 kg/hm2, and the yield of 4 materials was higher than that of the control. The thousand-grain weight ranged from 3.69 g to 5.73 g, and thousand-grain weights of 4 materials were more than 5.00 g. The yield was extremely correlated with plant height and thousand-grain weight, and was significantly correlated with seed number per pod. By cluster analysis, 23 materials were divided into 3 groups: the first group had high thousand-grain weight and varied flower colors, the second group had balanced characters, and the third group had polygonal-pod and longhorn-type high-yield multi-color-flower rape. The anthocyanin contents in purple, red and orange rape petals were higher.
      Conclusion All the 23 multi-color-flower rape varieties could grow and mature normally in plateau area, and showed the characteristics of plant dwarfing. In order to improve the yield of multi-color-flower rape, we should pay attention to the selection of key traits such as plant height, length of main inflorescence, effective pod number of main inflorescence, pod length, seed number per pod, thousand-grain weight, etc. Purple, red and orange rapes with high content of anthocyanin are more suitable for fresh food materials or for food and health products processing.


