'JingFan 401' is a new multi-resistant and high-quality tomato F
1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line with 'TB0994' as male parent and 'TB0824' as female parent. This variety was registered as a non-major crop variety by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in June 2020. It has been recommended by experts at many events, such as the Guangzhou Vegetable Variety Exhibition and Promotion Conference and the China Seed (Southern Breeding Silicon Valley) Conference. In the past two years, the average annual planting area of 'JingFan 401' has been promoted up to nearly 660 hm
2, and it has been one of the main cultivated varieties in the Miyi area of Sichuan Province. The plants of 'JingFan 401' are strong. They are characterized by mid-early maturity and indeterminate type of growth. The fruits are of medium to large size, globe shape, smooth surface and dark-pink in color, with an average fruit weight of 230-250 g. They are high-quality and uniform, which contribute to a high commodity rate and stable high yield. The regional trial results showed this variety had a yield increase by more than 5%, shorter internodes, and better early maturity when compared with those of control variety 'Ruila'. Analysis of the storage and disease resistance revealed that, the fruits of 'JingFan 401' had good fruit hardness and they were resistant to storage and transportation. This variety had multi-resistance, containing tomato yellow leaf curl virus resistance gene loci
1 and
3a, tomato mosaic virus resistance gene locus
2a, root-knot nematode resistance gene locus
1, leaf mold resistance gene locus
9 as well as gray leaf spot resistance gene locus
Sm. 'JingFan 401' is suitable for summer-autumn, autumn-extension cultivation in protected land and over-summer cultivation in open field, and it is a breakthrough tomato variety of storage resistance, multi-resistance and high quality, with high market promotion prospects.