
    Research Progress on Cold Tolerance of Tomato

    • 摘要: 番茄是全球最重要的蔬菜之一,广泛种植于各个气候区域。作为一种非冷驯化的作物,栽培番茄在生产过程中极易受到低温气候的限制,这不仅影响其生长发育,还严重制约了产量和果实品质。低温胁迫对番茄的影响是一个复杂的生理过程,涉及到多个层面的响应机制。因此,深入探究低温胁迫对番茄的影响,挖掘番茄耐低温控制基因,并解析其低温应答机制,对于培育耐低温番茄品种具有重要的理论和实践意义。在过去20年来,有关番茄耐寒性的研究取得显著进展。研究者们从多个角度探讨了番茄对低温胁迫的适应性机理,从低温胁迫对番茄形态发育、生理生化变化的影响,番茄耐低温种质的鉴定与关键基因的克隆,到低温信号的转导途径及番茄CBF依赖/非依赖途径的应答调控,各项研究逐步揭示了番茄面对低温胁迫的响应机制。该文旨在回顾与总结近10年来番茄耐寒性相关研究取得的进展,涵盖番茄耐寒基因的克隆及相关基因调控耐寒的机理等方面。通过系统的文献综述,希望为后续研究提供参考,并为耐低温番茄品种的培育奠定基础,从而推动耐寒番茄新品种的开发,以应对全球气候变化带来的挑战,保障农业生产的可持续发展。


      Abstract: Tomato is one of the most important vegetable crops around the world and is widely grown in various climate zones. As a non-cold-acclimated crop, cultivated tomato is extremely susceptible to low-temperature climates during productions, which not only affects its growth and development, but also severely impact its yield and quality. The effects of low temperature stress on tomato are a complex physiological process involving response mechanisms at multiple levels. Therefore, investigating the effects of low-temperature stress on tomatoes, identifying genes responsible for cold tolerance, and analyzing their response mechanisms are of great theoretical and practical significance for the development of low-temperature-tolerant tomato varieties. Over the past 20 years, significant progress has been made in the study of cold tolerance in tomatoes. Research has encompassed a wide range of topics, including the effects of low-temperature stress on morphological development, physiological and biochemical changes, the identification of cold-tolerant tomato germplasm, and the cloning of key genes. Additionally, studies have explored the signal transduction pathways associated with low-temperature stress and the regulatory mechanisms of both CBF-dependent and CBF-independent pathways. Collectively, these investigations have gradually unveiled the response mechanisms of tomatoes to low-temperature stress. This paper aims to reviews and summarizes the research progress on tomato cold tolerance over the past 10 years, including the cloning of cold tolerance genes and the regulation mechanisms of cold-tolerance related genes in tomato. Through a systematic summarize, we hope to provide a reference for subsequent studies and lay a foundation for the cultivation of cold-tolerant tomato varieties, thereby promoting the development of new cold-tolerant varieties to meet the challenges brought by global climate change and ensure the sustainable development of agricultural production.


