
    Research Review and Prospect of Litchi Fruit Cracking

    • 摘要: 荔枝是我国华南地区最重要的优质特色果树,也是无患子科(Sapindaceae)植物具假种皮果实中的代表性果树,但生长发育过程中裂果频发影响其产量和果实品质,优质荔枝品种‘糯米糍’‘桂味’等的果实裂果更为严重。了解裂果因素、培育抗裂品种等对预防和减轻裂果,进而促进荔枝可持续性发展具有重要意义。该综述介绍了荔枝裂果现象,归纳了水果裂果类型的多样性,强调了荔枝果实沿缝合线开裂的特殊性,从生长环境条件、品种特性(遗传基因、果实大小、种核类型、果皮特性)等角度总结了不同发育阶段和不同品种间荔枝裂果发生的原因,以及包括果肉可溶性固形物含量、钙含量、细胞壁组分及其相关酶等的生理与分子方面的研究进展。尽管不同荔枝品种果实的裂果敏感性存在极大差异,然而迄今仍然未能筛选到与裂果相关的关键酶或主效基因;与其他水果相比,荔枝裂果具有一定的特殊性,表现为荔枝裂果高峰期处于青果期至转色期,裂果总是沿缝合线开裂且果肉保持完整,将来应加强对荔枝果实缝合线的结构与裂果的关系、种核类型可能对裂果敏感性有影响等方面的研究。


      Abstract: Litchi is the most important high-quality fruit tree species in South China, and is also a representative fruit tree with aril as the edible part in the Sapindaceae family. However, frequent fruit cracking affects the yield and fruit quality of litchi during the growth and development, in particular for the high-value litchi varieties, such as 'Nuomici' and 'Guiwei'. Therefore, it is important to understand the factors affecting fruit cracking, and to breed crack-resistant varieties to prevent and mitigate fruit cracking, thus promote the sustainable development of litchi. In this review, we introduce the phenomenon of litchi fruit cracking and the diversity of fruit cracking types, and emphasize the distinct feature of litchi fruit cracking along the suture line. We also summarize the causes of litchi fruit cracking at different developmental stages and among different varieties from the perspectives of growth environmental conditions, litchi variety characteristics (genetics, fruit size, seed type, pericarp characteristics), and etc., and the research progress in its physiology and molecular biology including pulp TSS, calcium content, cell wall components and their associated enzymes. The review points out that although there are great differences in the susceptibility of fruit cracking among different litchi varieties, so far, we have not been able to identify the key enzymes or major genes related to fruit cracking; compared with other fruits, litchi fruit cracking has a certain degree of specificity, which is manifested in that litchi fruit cracking peaks at the stage from the green fruit stage to the color turning stage, and that the fruits always crack along the suture line with the pulp remaining intact. In the future, researches should be strengthened on the relationship between the structure of the suture line and fruit cracking in litchi fruit, and the possible influence of seed type on the susceptibility to fruit cracking.


