
    Predatory Functional Response of Harmonia sedecimnotata to Aphis craccivora

    • 摘要:
      目的 明确纤丽瓢虫(Harmonia sedecimnotata)对豆蚜(Aphis craccivora)的捕食能力,为纤丽瓢虫田间防控豆蚜的应用提供理论依据。
      方法 以纤丽瓢虫和豆蚜为研究对象,设置不同虫态纤丽瓢虫与不同密度梯度的高龄豆蚜组合,采用室内捕食的方法,结合数据模型拟合,明确纤丽瓢虫各虫态对豆蚜的捕食功能反应、搜寻效应和自身密度干扰反应。
      结果 纤丽瓢虫1~4龄幼虫和雌雄成虫对豆蚜的捕食功能反应均符合Holling Ⅱ模型,捕食量随猎物密度增加而增加,且增加速率逐渐减小;1~4龄幼虫和雌雄成虫对豆蚜的瞬时攻击率分别为0.824、0.808、1.364、1.139、1.499、1.626,处理时间分别为0.060、0.014、0.006、0.003、0.004、0.005 d,日最大捕食量分别为16.667、71.428、166.667、333.333、250.000、200.000头;纤丽瓢虫1~4龄幼虫和成虫的捕食能力由强到弱分别为4龄幼虫、雌成虫、雄成虫、3龄幼虫、2龄幼虫和1龄幼虫;幼虫捕食量随龄期升高而增加,4龄幼虫的单头猎物处理时间最短(0.003 d)、捕食能力最强(379.667)、日最大捕食量最高(333.333头)。纤丽瓢虫对豆蚜的搜寻效应随猎物密度增加而降低,雌成虫的搜寻效应均大于雄成虫。纤丽瓢虫自身密度对豆蚜的捕食作用影响符合Hassell模型,雌雄成虫个体间存在种内干扰,干扰方程分别为E=0.465P-0.515和E=0.366P-0.505,平均捕食效率随猎物密度增加而降低,分摊竞争强度随猎物密度增加而升高,平均单头捕食量随捕食者密度增大而减少,当捕食者密度达5头/ 皿时,纤丽瓢虫雌雄成虫捕食效率最低、分别为0.198和0.172,分摊竞争强度最大、分别为0.548和0.558。
      结论 纤丽瓢虫对豆蚜具有较强的捕食能力,是豆蚜生物防治的重要天敌昆虫,在实际应用中应根据豆蚜发生密度,采用适宜的纤丽瓢虫虫态和数量进行投放。


      Objective The study was conducted to clarify the predation capacity of Harmonia sedecimnotata on Aphis craccivora, with a view to providing a theoretical basis for field control of A. craccivora by H. sedecimnotata.
      Method H. sedecimnotata and A.craccivora were taken as experimental subjects. H. sedecimnotata at different stages and different density gradients of late instar nymphs of A.craccivora were prepared to determine the predatory functional response, search effect and intraspecific interference response of H.sedecimnotata to A.craccivora by indoor predation method and numerical model.
      Result The predatory functional response of 1-4th instar of larvae and adults of H. sedecimnotata conformed to Holling Ⅱ model. The predation amount increased with the increase of prey density. The instant attack rates (a) of 1-4st larvae, female and male adults were 0.824, 0.808, 1.364, 1.139, 1.499, 1.626, the handling time (Th) were 0.060, 0.014, 0.006, 0.003, 0.004, 0.005 d, and the maximum daily predation amounts were 16.667, 71.428, 166.667, 333.333, 250.000 and 200.000, respectively. The predation capacity of 1-4th instar larvae and adults of H. sedecimnotata ranked as (from strong to weak): 4th instar, female adult, male adult, 3rd instar, 2nd instar and 1st instar, respectively. The predation amount of larvae increased with the increase of age. For the 4th larvae, the handling time (Th) was the shortest, the predation capacity(a/Th) was the highest, and the maximum daily predation was the highest. which were 0.003 d, 379.667 and 333.333 aphids, respectively. The search effect of H. sedecimnotata on A.craccivora was decreased with the increase of prey density. The search effect of female was greater than that of male. The effect of the H. sedecimnotata's density on the predatory effect of A. craccivora was consistent with the Hassell model. There was intraspecific interference among adult H.sedecimnotata, and the interference equations of female and male adults were E=0.465P-0.515 and E=0.366P-0.505, respectively. The average predation rate decreased with the increase of prey density, the intensity of scramble competition increased with the increase of prey density, and the prey killed by per predator decreased with the increase of predator density. When the predator density reached 5 individuals per plate, the predation rates of female and male adults was the lowest, which were 0.198 and 0.172, and the intensity of scramble competition was the highest, which were 0.548 and 0.558, respectively.
      Conclusion H. sedecimnotata, with a strong predatory ability on the A. craccivora, is an important natural enemy in the biological control of A. craccivora. In practical application, suitable insect state and quantity should be adopted according to the occurrence density of A. craccivora.


