
    Evaluation of Panicle Exsertion and Identification of QTL for Long Panicle Neck in Single-segment Substitution Lines of Wild Rice

    • 摘要:
      目的 水稻抽穗时出现严重的包穗, 是影响水稻产量的重要因素之一。而野生稻普遍具有良好的穗伸出度, 前期以南方野生稻(Oryza meridionalis)和短舌野生稻(Oryza barthii)为供体构建了单片段代换系群体(SSSLs), 拟挖掘稳定表达的长穗颈QTL, 为野生稻长穗颈基因克隆及水稻穗伸出度性状的分子育种奠定基础。
      方法 以P < 0.01为差异显著的标准, 筛选出穗伸出度显著长于‘HJX74’的SSSLs, 认为其代换片段携带控制长穗颈的QTL, 并计算其加性效应及表型贡献率。
      结果 在南方野生稻SSSLs鉴定到4个稳定QTL(qPEm5-1qPEm5-2qPEm8-1qPEm10-1), 其加性效应均值范围为1.64~2.19 cm, 加性效应表型贡献率范围为114.53%~347.98%。在短舌野生稻SSSLs鉴定到11个稳定QTL(qPEb1-1qPEb1-2qPEb1-3qPEb2-1qPEb3-1qPEb3-2qPEb4-1qPEb5-1qPEb6-1qPEb7-1qPEb10-1), 其加性效应均值范围为1.74~4.08 cm, 加性效应表型贡献率范围为107.82%~481.80%。从以上两种野生稻SSSLs鉴定的长穗颈QTL中发现qPEm1-1qPEb1-1qPEm1-1qPEb7-1qPEm10-1qPEb10-2有重叠区间, 表明两个供体野生稻SSSLs的重叠区间存在相同QTL或等位基因; 挖掘到3个新的QTL(qPEm5-1qPEb5-1qPEb6-1), 且其增效等位基因来自供体野生稻SSSLs。
      结论 该研究对以南方野生稻和短舌野生稻为供体构建的SSSLs进行多季节的穗颈长性状调查, 鉴定出15个稳定表达的长穗颈QTL, 其中3个QTL未见报道, 可为长穗颈基因的克隆与功能解析以及水稻穗颈长性状的分子育种提供参考。


      Objective The phenomenon of panicle enclosure in rice is one of the important factors affecting the grain yield. Panicle exsertion of the wild rice species is generally in good state. In this study, by using the single-segment substitution lines (SSSLs) of Oryza meridionalis and O. barthii developed in our laboratory, the trait of panicle exsertion was investigated and the QTLs controlling panicle exsertion were identified, in order to lay a foundation for further cloning of the elite genes for panicle exsertion from wild rice, and to provide the genetic resources for the molecular breeding of the panicle exsertion in rice.
      Method Taking P < 0.01 as the criterion for significant difference, the SSSLs with significant longer panicle neck than that of HJX74 were screened out. Meanwhile, the controlling QTLs located in the interval of the substituted segments were identified, and their additive effects and phenotypic contribution rates of the QTLs were evaluated.
      Result A total of 4 stably expressed QTLs (qPEm5-1, qPEm5-2, qPEm8-1, and qPEm10-1) were identified in the SSSLs of O. meridionalis. The average additive effect values were in the range of 1.64-2.19 cm, respectively, and the phenotypic contribution rates of the additive effects were in the range of 114.53%-347.98%. In addition, a total of 11 stably expressed QTLs (qPEb1-1, qPEb1-2, qPEb1-3, qPEb2-1, qPEb3-1, qPEb3-2, qPEb4-1, qPEb5-1, qPEb6-1, qPEb7-1, and qPEb10-1) were identified in the SSSLs of O. barthii. Their average additive effect values were in the range of 1.74-4.08 cm, respectively, and the phenotypic contribution rates of the additive effects were 107.82%~481.80%. Among the QTLs of the two wild rice species, it was found that qPEm1-1 and qPEb1-1, qPEm1-1 and qPEb7-1, and qPEm10-1 and qPEb10-2 had the overlapping interval, respectively. It was implied that there probably have the same QTLs or alleles controlling the long panicle neck in the overlapping intervals of the two donor wild rice SSSLs. Moreover, three QTLs, qPEm5-1, qPEb5-1, and qPEb6-1 were considered as novel QTLs in this study, and their favorable alleles with positive effects were from the donor wild rice.
      Conclusion In this study, the panicle exsertion of the SSSLs of O. meridionalis and O. barthii were investigated in multiple seasons, and a total of 15 stably expressed QTLs for long panicle neck were identified. Among them, 3 novel QTLs were found. The results will lay a foundation for both further cloning and functional analysis of panicle exsertion genes from wild rice and molecular breeding for the panicle exsertion in rice.


