
    Effects of Different Fertilization Treatments on Soil Quality, Yield and Quality of Mustard

    • 摘要:
      目的 紫妃芥菜(Purple leaf mustard)是以中国国家地理标志产品绿叶水东芥(Green leaf Shuidong mustard)杂交选育的高花青素芥菜新品种,其施肥技术有待研究。有机肥替代部分化肥被认为是土壤改良、作物增产提质较为有效的施肥措施,研究不同施肥处理对土壤性质及芥菜产量和品质的影响,对指导芥菜科学生产具有重要意义。
      方法 以灵芝菌渣堆肥为供试有机肥,以绿叶水东芥、紫妃芥菜为供试作物进行盆栽试验,以单施化肥(常规仅施复合肥)为对照(CK),设置化肥减量3/4条件下,配施低(T1,7.90 g)、中(T2,15.80 g)、高(T3,31.60 g)量菌渣堆肥3个处理,测定芥菜采收后土壤pH值、物理性黏粒(PC, < 0.01 mm)、有机质(OM)、碱解氮(AN)、有效磷(AP)和速效钾(AK)含量,以及芥菜株高(PH)、鲜质量(FW)、根长(RL)、叶绿素(Chl)、花青素(Ant)、可溶性糖(SS)和维生素C(Vc)含量等13个指标,并分析不同处理土壤性质及芥菜产量和品质的差异。
      结果 随着菌渣堆肥用量的增加,两种芥菜除土壤pH值和PC含量外,其他11个指标均呈增加趋势,3个处理土壤OM含量及芥菜RL、SS和Vc含量均高于CK,AN含量低于CK;T3处理土壤AP、AK含量及芥菜FW、Chl、Ant含量高于CK,其PH与CK无明显差异、但均高于T2和T1处理。与CK相比,T3处理下绿叶水东芥和紫妃芥菜土壤OM、AP和AK含量分别提高13.24%、14.28%,6.74%、6.06%,6.43%、6.04%,AN含量降低0.81%、1.45%;两种芥菜FW、RL、Chl、SS和Vc含量分别提高0.33%、6.64%,34.65%、43.29%,11.03%、6.53%,53.36%、44.45%,16.66%、15.44%。同一处理下,紫妃芥菜的PH、RL、FW、Chl、Ant、SS、和Vc含量均显著高于绿叶水东芥。
      结论 菌渣堆肥替代部分化肥有助于土壤改良、芥菜增产提质,以T3处理表现最佳。同等肥力下,紫妃芥菜的长势、色素含量和品质均优于绿叶水东芥。


      Objective Purple leaf mustard is a new variety of mustard with high anthocyanin bred by crossing green leaf Shuidong mustard (A national product of geographical indication in China), and its fertilization technology needs to be further studied. Replacing part of chemical fertilizer by organic fertilizer is considered to be a more effective fertilization measure for soil improvement and increase of crop yield and quality. It is of great significance to provide guidance for the scientific production of mustard by studying the effects of different fertilization treatments on soil properties, yield and quality of mustard.
      Method In the study, the Ganoderma lucidum residue compost was used as the tested organic fertilizer, the green leaf Shuidong mustard and purple leaf mustard were used as the tested crops for pot experiment. Taking the single application of chemical fertilizer (conventional application of compound fertilizer only) as control (CK), under the condition of 3/4 reduction of chemical fertilizer, three treatments of low (7.90 g), medium (15.80 g) and high (31.60 g) mushroom residue compost were set: T1, T2 and T3, the indexes of soil pH value, physical clay (PC, < 0.01 mm), OM, AN, AP, AK, PH, FW, RL, Chl, Ant, SS and Vc contents of mustard after harvest were measured, and the differences of soil properties and yield and quality of mustard under different treatments were analyzed.
      Result The results showed that, with the increase of the amount of G. lucidum residue compost, except for soil pH value and PC content, the other 11 indexes showed an increasing trend. The soil OM, RL, SS and Vc content of T1, T2 and T3 were higher than those of CK, while the AN content was lower than that of CK; the contents of soil AP, AK, FW, Chl and Ant of mustard of T3 were higher than those of CK, and the PH of T3 and CK were equivalent, but higher than that of T2 and T1. Compared with CK, the soil OM, AP and AK contents of green leaf Shuidong mustard and purple leaf mustard under T3 increased by 13.24%/14.28%, 6.74%/6.06% and 6.43%/6.04%, AN content decreased by 0.81%/1.45%, respectively; FW, RL, the contents of Chl, SS and Vc of two kinds of mustards increased by 0.33%/6.64%, 34.65%/43.29%, 11.03%/6.53%, 53.36%/44.45% and 16.66%/15.44%, respectively. Under the same treatment, the PH, RL, FW, Chl, Ant, SS, and Vc content of purple leaf mustard were significantly higher than those of green leaf Shuidong mustard.
      Conclusion It shows that the G. lucidum residue compost replacing part of chemical fertilizer can improve the soil and the production and quality of mustard, with T3 showing the best fertilizer effect. Under the same fertility, purple leaf mustard has better growth, pigment content and quality tcompared with green leaf Shuidong mustard.


